Shatter me tv show
Shatter me tv show

shatter me tv show

Hidden Depths: He's too hardworking and chilly to be The Dandy, but Warner of all people has a love of fashion.Healing Hands: Twins Sonya and Sara have this power and naturally work as medics for the resistance.Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Sonya and Sara tend to do this a lot, along with speaking in unison.Unfortunately, it didn't, and the crux of her Character Development is growing out of this. She was desperate to be liked and hoped that doing whatever she could for others would make that happen. Extreme Doormat: As a result of her Abusive Parents and the shunning she received from other children, Juliette became this.Warner is the self-admittedly ruthless commander in charge of squashing the heroes, but he has absolutely no tolerance for Domestic Abuse.Even so, he says taking advantage of "much younger than him" Juliette would be the stuff of sick minds. Anderson is the main villain of the series, he has physically and mentally abused his sons and their mothers, had no issue executing innocents and cares for no one.

shatter me tv show

Her power inflicts her with agony every second of her life, so they have to keep her on morphine 24/7, which has addled her mind so much she doesn't talk, react, or emote. Elaborate Underground Base: Omega Point, created by Castle to be a place for people with gifts to gather and plan a rebellion against the Reestablishment.Adam lampshades it in Fracture Me when he notes that she's retreated inside her head again by the way she's staring into space. Cloudcuckoolander: Even after she recovers from the effects of her solitary confinement, Juliette is still a somewhat spacey individual, prone to going off on mental tangents or constructing abstract metaphors in the middle of a mission.Chekhov's Gunman: Kenji is heard but not seen talking to Adam a few chapters before he makes he's entrance in Chapter 35.She has to spend every day drugged out of her mind and has become an Empty Shell because of it. Warner's mother is "blessed" with the power of being hurt by anything that touches her, including her own hair, clothes, and skin.Juliette's, notably, inflicts massive pain on anyone who touches her, meaning she's not only gone her whole life without human contact but can't help anyone if they're falling, injured, etc. Some superpowers are this, especially if one hasn't learn to control them.

Shatter me tv show