The statue of unity
The statue of unity

the statue of unity

Based on the site investigation results, the average bearing strength of the rock was found to be 2300 KN/m 2, which is more than sufficient to support the statue.These loads are resisted by rock anchors socketed into the rock and tensioned at the foundation level. The foundation was high in tension due to the overturning moments from the lateral loads.However, grouted rock anchors were used to reduce the localized tension. As the mat sits on the strong rock, pile foundation was not required. The levelling of the hillock was done in order to construct the foundation mat of the statue.For the successful construction of the foundation, the fracture planes were treated with grout injection and grouted anchor rods. The hillock over which the statue is constructed had several fracture planes.The details of the foundation of the statue of unity are explained below: The structural steel was supplied by Tata Steel and SAIL.The concrete was supplied by two batching plants of 56 m 3 per hour capacity.The ordinary portland cement used is of the grade 53.As a part of the ‘Loha’ campaign, iron tools were collected from farmers across the country with the intent of it being melted and converted into rebars for use in the foundation.The structural steel in the cores and space frame of the statue is comprised of W-360 I-shaped sections.Additionally, the composite cores of statue, suspended space frame, cladding substructure, and podium framing required 6500 tonnes of structural steel with a minimum grade of 355 MPa.

the statue of unity

The statue required 21,0000 m 3 of concrete, reinforced with 18,500 tonnes of grade 500 MPa bar.

  • For the construction of the statue, the required concrete strengths varied between 40 MPa to 65 MPa.
  • The statue is located at a remote location, therefore, the material delivery, staging, and erection posed unique challenges for the project.
  • The following points describe the materials used for the construction of the statue: These included a cofferdam, a rock bridge, and an elevated steel bridge.
  • Several options were evaluated for maintaining access to the island during the Monsoon floods.
  • The Bailey bridge has two lanes, one dedicated to vehicle and material movement, and the second one for access to workers.
  • Primarily, a built-up rock bridge which is constructed at the normal flood level, and then a Bailey bridge that is built above the high flood levels.
  • Access to the island is available via two ways.
  • During the monsoon season, the water level typically rises by 5 m, and goes up to 20 m, with very strong currents.
  • The island is accessible from at least one side via land for about eight months of the year as the water level recedes post-monsoon season.
  • This fault has been assumed as a causative fault for the seismic design of the statue.
  • Based on the studies of the area, the nearest fault exists at a distance of 22 km from the site of the statue.
  • The data on earthquake occurrence shows that the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) in this area can have a magnitude of 6.5.
  • The project is located in the seismic zone III of the seismic zoning map of India.
  • Dykes are aligned in the NE-SW direction.
  • The sedimentary rocks at the site consist of quartzite sandstone, argillaceous sandstone, shale, pebbly sandstone, and limestone.
  • the statue of unity

    The project site is occupied by the Deccan basalt flows underlain by sedimentary rocks.The following points describe the geology of the site:

    The statue of unity