Dreaming of a dead person coming back to life
Dreaming of a dead person coming back to life

dreaming of a dead person coming back to life

During the trip, his friend drowned.Īndrew was overcome by a feeling of remorse and guilt for not being there for his friend and perhaps being able to save his life. Andrew said that once, while at University, he did not go on a trip with his friend because he was competing in an event that his friend had trained him for. Recently a friend of mine, Andrew (not his real name), visited me at the SSRF research centre and narrated how he had been plagued by dreams of a close friend who had died in a tragic accident. The following example narrated by one of the members of the SSRF research team will shed more light on this aspect. This is mainly to seek help as they may feel closer to the person who they are trying to contact as opposed to their family members on Earth. Sometimes even close friends who are deceased appear in one’s dreams. However, dreams of the departed are not necessarily limited to dead family members. What is the meaning of a dream of a close friend who had died suddenly? In only 10% of cases there is a negative energy masquerading as the dead relative in the dreams. This is because the person who has died of natural causes is more mentally prepared for death and therefore finds it easier to move-on in the afterlife. We have found that people who have had untimely or violent deaths are more likely to appear in dreams as opposed to people who have had normal deaths such as after a prolonged illness. During the dream or sleep state, the mind is more receptive to messages from the subtle.

dreaming of a dead person coming back to life

The reasons subtle-bodies, in the afterlife, find it easier to communicate through dreams as opposed to the waking state is because during the waking state the person who they are trying to contact, is more engrossed in the five senses and does not have concentration of the mind. Dead family members will generally try to contact the family member (or appear in their dreams) who they feel is most likely do something for them. Refer to the article: It is said that sometimes our ancestors help us, is it correct?Ī dream can be considered spiritual in nature if the same dream recurs at least 3 times. In approximately 5% of cases the meaning of such dreams of dead relatives can be attributed to the dead relatives wanting to help their descendants by giving them messages through their dreams. Through spiritual research, we have found ( with regard to the spiritual reasons) that approximately 65% of the time, it is the ancestor’s need for help in the afterlife and 30% of the time, it is to seek revenge or to trouble the descendant on the Earth plane of existence. The other reason is trying to seek revenge, to get even with some relative. One meaning is that after death, the subtle-body of the dead family member needs help and is trying to contact its descendant on the Earth region ( Bhūlok) of existence. Here the images of dead relatives that appear in the dream are eruptions from our sub-conscious mind. Psychological reasons can include a feeling of guilt or regret for not having spent time with a loved one before he/she died or some anxiety about that departed family member. 30% of the time the reason is psychological and 70% of the time it is spiritual. Through spiritual research we have found that there are psychological and spiritual reasons for seeing dead family members in dreams. What is the meaning behind dreaming of dead family members in dreams? Please read what is spiritual research? 2. In this article, through spiritual research, we shed some light on this issue from both a psychological and spiritual viewpoint. Their questions include, ‘Has my father moved on in the afterlife?’, ‘Has he gone to heaven?’, ‘What are they trying to tell me?’, etc. A few of them, welcome seeing dead relatives and a few are fearful of the same. Quite often our readers ask the meaning behind seeing dead relatives in their dreams frequently. What can one do, at a spiritual level, to help dead relatives who appear in one’s dreams? Influence of Negative Energies on Society.Introduction to Spiritually pure living.Personality Defect Removal and Personality Improvement.

Dreaming of a dead person coming back to life